Apartamenty wakacyjne dla wynajmu na jeziorze Garda Riva del Garda

Appartamento vacanza ErbeLago di Garda - Riva del Garda - TorboleLago di Garda - Riva del Garda - TorboleAppartamento vacanza ErbeLago di Garda - Riva del Garda - TorboleLago di Garda - Riva del Garda - TorboleLago di Garda - Riva del Garda - TorboleLago di Garda - Riva del Garda - TorboleLago di Garda - Riva del Garda - TorboleAppartamento vacanza ErbeLago di Garda - Riva del Garda - Torbole

Apartamenty na wynajem jezioro Garda Riva del Garda

Holidays at Lake Garda
Last apartment

  • Appartement Erbe is available:
    • from 20/08/2016 to 27/08/2016
  • Appartement Tigli is available:
    • from 27/08/2016 to 03/09/2016


Prognoza pogody jezioro garda

Kontakt Skype

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Numer telefonu (opcjonalnie) +
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Przyjazd : *
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Wyjazd : *
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Rodzaj pokoju / liczba osób *
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Specjalne prośby :
Information for the collection of personal data not communicated or diffused (according to art. 13 Law of 30 June 2003 D. Lgs. n. 196)
Informative for the collection of personal data not communicated or diffused (according to art. 13 Law of 30 June 2003 D. Lgs. n. 196)

Dear Client, acknowledging the directive n. 46/95/CE of the European Union, we wish to inform you that Law D. Lgs. n. 196 of 30 June 2003 on the tutelage of privacy provides certain guaranties protecting your personal data. According to the regulation indicated the treatment of your data will be marked by the tutelage of your privacy. According to principles of correctness, legality and transparency. The treatment will be finalised:
• at the management of services during your stay,
• at the fulfilment of legal, fiscal and accounting obligations,
• at the forwarding of promotional material and the signalling of your presence with us only with your explicit consent.
The data will be handled on paper and also electronically. The nature of the conferment is optional, your refusal to provide particular data could prevent us from satisfying all or part of your requests.
The data may be communicated to public security agencies, persons, societies or businesses who may be asked to perform specific tasks on behalf of the holder notwithstanding the request of your explicit consent when required by law.
According to the Law D. Lgs. n. 196/03 I authorize the collection and treatment of my personal data, that will be used to send me offers and advertising material and to carry out the office work, fiscal and accounting obligations and laws.